The world's first major event, Dragon Ball Super Hero Legend: Shadow Fight, was officially launched. The best tactical action game of the year will provide players with unforgettable experiences. For the sake of justice and harmony on the world, you can turn into your own superheroes, Goku. Goku's goal is to defeat all of the enemies in your path. You must turn into the hero Saiyan in this game. There is only one Saiyan Warrior. Has the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan. You will turn into your character and embark on an adventure through many worlds, learning a variety of martial arts and facing off against many iconic characters. The battles are extremely intense, and in order to win, the player must employ proper strategies in conjunction with saiyan abilities. You can play the game anywhere, at any time: while cooking, in the workplace, in the car, on the bus, plane, train, or even while watching football. Games are designed for people of all ages, whether they are boys or girls, children or adults, men or women, under or over the age of 18. This game features Goku, who has 20 levels ranging from 1 to 20, giving you more strength and skills to enjoy the ultimate saiyan fight of dragon shadow battle. Kamehameha, Dragon Recall, Big Bang Assault, Ki Blast, and Monkey King Recall are just a few of the awesome skills that might be coming soon. Become legendary super heroes and warriors with all of the super hero's unique abilities.